
Lino Conazol Shampoo

Description & Attributes :

Climbazole, the main component of linoconazole shampoo, plays a very important role as an antifungal, as it works to inhibit the enzyme cytochrome, which mediates the conversion of lanosterol into ergosterol, which is the main sterol in fungal cell membranes, which leads to sabotaging the function of the membrane and increasing its permeability. It also contains salicylic acid, which works to dissolve the stratum corneum. In cases of hyperkeratosis, including corns, psoriasis and pityriasis versicolor, it is recommended, especially in cases of hypersecretion of sebum and pityriasis versicolor. It also helps in alleviating the symptoms of psoriasis and in cases of stubborn dandruff and its types. The credit for this is due to the effectiveness of its components in combating skin fungi and under the skin. Skin and nails

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